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General Questions
When can I call for an inspection?​
Inspections are done on Monday's and Wednesday's. Please give at least 24 hours' notice prior to the date of inspection. Call 989-422-3687 to schedule. Please be aware that if your house is more than 50 feet from the road or not visible from the road, 2-inch reflective house numbers are required at the driveway.
Can I pull the permit even though I will be using a contractor?
We encourage homeowners not to pull permits when using another party to do the work. This is for your own protection.
When can I obtain my Certificate of Occupancy?
A Certificate of Occupancy can be issued if all permits have been obtained and ALL FINAL inspections have been approved. All outstanding fees must be paid.
How do I obtain a Land Use Permit?
Each township has a Land Use Permit. Pleas call your township Land Use Officer for a permit which is required before permit approval.
Denton Rachel Barnes 989-366-5913
Roscommon Rob Christian 989-422-4116
Lake Kevin Rose 989-202-4736
Markey Kirstie Russo 989-529-2733
Backus R. Tad Magruder 989-709-6080​​
Building Questions
Do I need to display my building permit?
Yes, the Building Permit must be visibly posted on the jobsite.
Do I need an inspection before I pour my footings?
Yes, footing inspections are required when trenches are dug and forms are in place. The inspections must come before concrete is poured.
When can I schedule my final inspections?
Rough inspections can be scheduled after the framing is complete. Plumbing, electrical and mechanical rough inspections must be completed before the rough building inspection can take place. The rough inspection must take place before drywall or insulation are installed.
When can I schedule my final inspection?
A final inspection is required when the project is complete. 4-inch house numbers visible fromt he road are required before final inspection.
Electrical Questions
Do I need a Permit to Install a Generator?
Yes, both a mechanical and electrical permit are required.
Do I need an inspection prior to covering my underground electrical work?
Yes, underground electrical work needs to me inspected prior to covering with dirt or concrete.
When can I schedule a rough inspection?
The final inspection cannot be completed until the final inspections of the plumbing and mechanical are approved. The electrical project must be complete.
When can I schedule my final inspection?
The final inspection cannot be completed until the final inspections of the plumbing and mechanical approved. The electrical project must be complete.
How does the electrical service to my house or outbuilding need to be grounded?
if 1/2' or larger rerod is installed in your footing, a portion of one 20' rerod must be brought up above the wall or inside the building. Not outside the building. The grounding electrode conductor from the service must be connected to the rerod. This rerod requires an inspection prior to being encased in concrete. If less than 1/2' refod is installed then two 8' or longer ground rods at least 6' apart must be installe dusing ground rod clamps approved for direct contact with earth.
What type of outlets are required for my house or outbuilding?
All 15- or 20-amp 120-volt outlets below 5 1/2 feet must be tamper resistant. GFCI outlets or circuit breakers are required for many locations including all garage outlets, bathroom outlets, laundry outlets, unfinished basement outlets, exterior outlets as well as many other locations.
Plumbing and Mechanical Questions
Do I need an inspections prior to covering underground plumbing work?
Yes, underground plumbing work needs to be inspected prior to covering with dirt or concrete.
Can I hang my drywall once my plumbing pipes and heat runs are compete?
No, you must have a rough inspection before covering the walls. All pipes and heat runs through chimneys must be visible.
When can I have my final inspection?
All fixtures must be set and operational before a final inspection can be scheduled
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